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Our movement is about continuing to build on the promise of Indrala.

​Growing up the daughter of tenant farmers in rural Min Province, I learned at an early age the importance of looking out for others, sticking together, and backing up principles with action. 

These beliefs were compounded in my youth when the Jianxiao Emperor visited our province and personally fought back against the exploitation of tenant farmers. His Imperial Majesty's example profoundly changed me and led me to dedicate my life to public service.

With your support, the Lotus Party will create the sort of government that looks out for everyone, and ensures that no Indralan is left behind, irrespective of the circumstances of one's birth.

I hope that you will stand with the Lotus Party, so that we can stand up for you.


Our candidates are a diverse group of Indralans drawn from every lived experience, eager to make a positive difference in the lives of our people.


As per the Lotus Party's constitution, last amended in the 4400 National Convention, our national candidate list must be comprised of:

  • At least 40% female or non-male identifying candidates;

  • At least 20% minority candidates;

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